You may experience some lag, but that can be fixed by. FRS 2013 by F1RS: Version 3.0 Patch 4.1 Patch 5. Se descargan, descomprimen y se colocan en la carpeta raz del juego. Just make it one by one until all the material you need to do with PBR preview, I can't make a proper region map and can't do a AO map, so just for preview how it's works (updated with original spec map pretend to be a ao map. Download v1.61 Download v1. This is the brand new mod for rFactor 1, including All the cars from the official FormSeason. Mods para rFactor rFactor mods & F1 Races Mods para rFactor rf1mods 13 agosto, 2016 rFactor Anterior Siguiente Lista de mods para rFactor. With MaterialPath set, it can work fine with Save to dev function. Last Updated: Version: 1.0.2 Size: 937 MB TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General - Weight: 733 Kg - Center of gravity height: 0.205 m - Weight distribution: 46:54 (F:R) - Base drag: 0. gen file, add a line MaterialPath=McLaren_2007\team (point it to your material json's path), and remember all the file material needed need to be in SearchPath.Ģ.just with original way to make region、AO and so on textures to make it ready for material assignģ.jump to, select the material name, and just edit it, change shader to L2IBLCARBODY, assign region\damage maps, and tune the number of PBR effect like reflective ad so on, then save it. And I have no original PSD of the skin so it make me harder to make the proper pbr region.ġ. Hello, I finally found how to apply IBL/PBR shader for WCEXTRAs materials, for those old rf1 F1 mods which use more than one WC material to make the body, and what's more, to make the whole car use PBR shader, with help hugh thanks for him, and try with Shumi's converted MMG07 Mp4-22, chrome looks good but still need some modify I think. Been enjoying the 2021 F Indycar in AC a bunch lately.